Dan, a person's capacity for mercy is not really tested when it comes to their own child - at least not for individual human beings.
It would be more accurate to access our capacity for mercy were something unimaginable to happen to one of our children.
How we hold the human being responsible for this type of violation is the real test of our capacity for mercy.
A horrible thought, but true.
Our world has completely misunderstood God and our relationship with him - here I acknowledge others may use other terms to describe this identity.
If our world viewed God seriously, that is with genuine belief and faith - it would not be as messed up as it is. That, he knows, I assure you.
We live in different times. In the past we were told stories to try and get us to behave in a way that didn't lead life to where it is today.
Yes, there were threats of 'hell', but that represented the use of an image to get across an idea.
And if we were to break down that image in a more palatable way today, we could better understand what was trying to be relayed to humanity.
Instead of looking at an artistic idea - the image of fire burning etc - for what it looks like instead of what it is trying to represent.
The truth lay beyond an image or story.
But art is often on the right track...if you look at it with non-judgmental compassion and surrendering the uncompromising stance so many of us take today.
Love to all!