Dan, I see you enjoy covering old ground by rehashing some of the 'spiritual abuses' you have described in the past, applying them here to the 'Karens' of the world.
It would appear there is a little sin-watching and sin-reporting going on in your own work.
Which brings me to the point of this comment.
Some time ago I responded to your '12 Abusive Behaviours that are Unique to the Church' article, by writing an article of my own.
The 'abuse' that was of particular - and personal -interest to me also appears here.
It is the abuse of using the words, 'God told me to tell you...'.
You see, those exact words appear on my website. Right down to the three dots that follow them.
I'm not sure how many people actually use these words, or why they might use them, but they are not words I take lightly.
And not words I would ever use without substance and without the utmost respect for the God I love above all else.
I think substance is the key here.
If anyone - Tim, Karen or otherwise - is going to use those words, then there had better be substance behind them.
What follows them had better come from God.
However, what also requires substance - and evidence - are accusations of abuse.
To see words I have used described as spiritually abusive and connected to 'all kinds of atrocities' was quite distressing.
In fact, my personal belief is this - if someone is using these words with sincerity, then there is no abuse.
The abuse occurs when they are rejected. And any abuse that follows such a rejection belongs to God.
If God is trying to communicate with our world, then it must be important.
But, sadly for God, few are adequate enough in the eyes of others to share his message.
Let alone be taken seriously should they do so.
I could go on, but I would only be covering ground that has been covered at the link below.
Accusing people of abuse without substance is an abuse in its own right.
And there is no shortage of this in our world today.
Here's a link to my response Dan.
It is neither a defence of me, nor an attack on you. What I do is give substance and support to my use of the words central to this response.
Take care.