The Island — A Story About Our World
Once upon a time there was an island which was inhabited by two human beings.
As human beings they had specific needs and the island catered perfectly for them, as well as all the animal and bird life present.
Both were able to receive exactly what they required in terms of food, water and shelter, in order to feel safe and dignified.
For a while this worked perfectly and one of the two thought this was a fine and sustainable arrangement.
Each would have their needs met, but he also knew that in taking only what was needed, the island — which was the great provider of these needs — would also be respected and honoured.
Everyone, including the island herself, would win.
But if one decided to be greedy, then the island’s balance would be upset and the other would have to go without.
And while the one saw no problem with their arrangement, the other of the island’s inhabitants was forming different ideas.
The food was tasty and succulent, and he was developing quite an appetite. Why shouldn’t he take a little more?
Or see what foods the other man had on his side of the island?
In his limited view there was more than enough for him to sneak a little excess into his coffers.
Slowly he became fatter and more comfortable.
A little more had become a lot more.
The other inhabitant was becoming thinner and realised that the island was no longer able to provide for him as it once did.
In its desperation to meet the demands of the greedy one the island had become confused and out of balance.
Her resources — once respected, honoured and shared — were now violated and abused.
No longer was she able to share the spread of her resources evenly throughout her body.
The animals were also confused and began to feel threatened as the greedy inhabitant staked his claim for more.
Over time, life for the hungry one became worse.
One day he decided he would approach the other inhabitant and ask if he would consider restoring balance to the island.
But when he spoke to him, it was clear he had outgrown the need for balance and sharing equally, as he had become quite ambitious in his pursuit of excess and deeply attached to his bounty.
However, he did tell the man before him, who was now skin and bones, that should he become more desperate he would leave small parcels of food for him to collect.
But in return the man must work for him so that he could acquire his excess of resources in a more timely and efficient manner.
So, a new arrangement was made.
The skinny man, once happy and full of joy, reluctantly — but peacefully — agreed, as he was hungry and needed to eat.
But in making this arrangement the needs of the island were forgotten.
She continued to be placed under immense pressure while trying to meet the greedy man’s insatiable demands and had begun feeling the effects of the voracious consumption of her gifts.
She started to misbehave herself, as her mind fluctuated between confusion, anger and despair.
And, as time went on, she wondered if this current arrangement — which did not respect or honour her commitment to caring equally for both of her inhabitants — and the situation in which it had placed her, was worth remaining in.
She knew she had the capacity to wreak chaos and destruction across the whole island and could, if she so desired, destroy herself and all that she had tried so desperately to care for.
She wasn’t thinking clearly though.
She knew she needed a break, to stop and rest.
But for her to take some time to think and to repair herself, she needed the greedy man to take leave of his greedy ways.
For her to stop, she needed him to stop.
But even though he was now offering small bites to his one-time partner, who now worked for him, he had become attached to his lifestyle and all the great things he was able to experience.
He felt rich and abundant!
He believed he was fulfilling all of his dreams and desires through his greedy pursuit and acquisition of the island’s resources.
He felt safe and secure and had not gone hungry as the other man had gone hungry.
Through his attachment to himself and his own excessive portion he had forgotten that true abundance and ‘wealth’ lay not in what he could amass for himself, but in how willing he was to share the island — and her resources — equally and respectfully with those whom he had shared the island from the very beginning.
Slowly, he sensed he needed to do something to support the island and the other man, but he couldn’t quite see what this was.
He still saw himself as the central and most important character on the island — even more so than the island herself.
So, he sat wondering how he would be able to help, while maintaining the excessive and plentiful lifestyle he had created for himself.
The truth was, he couldn’t.
Because, as he pondered, the island grew more and more weary of the abuse and expectation that she would continue to provide well beyond her means, and in a manner that did not account for or honour her needs or the needs of all those on the island.
So as one of the island’s inhabitants considered how he could ‘sustainably’ maintain his greedy approach to life, while helping those around him, the island began daydreaming more intensely about the end.
And all while this was happening, the other man, who still dreamed on occasion of the beautiful, balanced and abundant land he had fallen in love with, continued to work hard, just to get the few scraps of food and water that came his way at the end of each day.
He was sad, but peaceful and pragmatic.
He knew how things worked, but also knew that when greed and ambition consumed just one man, the balance would be lost forever.
At least, in this island’s lifetime.
And, with all the strength and love he could muster, he continued to go about his life with little but peace and understanding in his heart.
For he knew that no matter what situation he found himself in, he could always make sure it was love that he offered to both the other party with whom he shared the island and the island herself.
Author’s Note: This story captures the essence of the Law of Balance. One of the four laws which govern life and conditional expression — the philosophy designed to defend it.